Cimarron is a black and tan male German Shepherd. His father is Mufasa, my long coat black and silver dad in my kennel. His mother is Honey Bear, my solid black working line mom which is still in my kennel too. Cimarron’s maternal Grandfather is Chaos, my working line solid black dad, and his great Grandfather is Drago, my German Import solid black working line retired dad. Cimarron is a short coat classic black and tan German Shepherd. He is a happy go lucky German Shepherd. He enjoys playing games with my other German Shepherds. He likes to play and splash in his doggy pool. He likes to take long walks in our woods with me. He is a very gentle dog and loves getting attention. He is very alert and notices anything going on and tells me about it. We are very happy Cimarron is a loving member of our family! Cimarron is the father of Love Spell’s litter of puppies.